PC Builds for Coders - Budget PCs You Can Build Hello everyone, in this blog, we will build three pc under the budget of 30k rupees. We are going for custom build this time just because prebuilds are not good and there you don’t have the option to choose the components and sometimes the performance of those components are poor. Also, prebuild components don’t offer you many upgradability options. In terms of custom builds, we have the independence to choose components and we also have better upgradability options. And we can build the pc at an affordable price. Here I’ve mentioned different builds: 20000 INR BUILD For the 20k build, we are going with this configuration Processor - AMD Athlon 3000G Motherboard - Gigabyte AMD A320 RAM - Corsair Vengeance 8 GB DDR4 Storage - Seagate 1TB Cabinet - Frontech Semi-Premium Full ATX Total Price: 19038 25000 INR BUILD For the 25k build, we are going with this configuration. Processor - Core i3 10100 Motherbo...
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